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Accueil > Les journées > XXVes journées à Paris sur le thème « Économie du vieillissement ».

Da Silva (C. M. P.), Calado (J. P. T.), Garcia, (M. T. M.), Antunes (A. C. C.) et Paralta (S. S. V.). – An ageing society – The Portuguese case. In : Économie du vieillissement, éd. par Joël (M-È.) et Wittwer (J.), XXVes journées de l’Association d’Économie Sociale, L'Harmattan, tome 1, p. 107-133. – Paris, 2005.


All developed countries have been challenged by demographic problems as : fertility decrease, baby-boom generation and increase of life expectancy. Portugal is not an exception. The main purpose of our research are to study the economic, financial and statistic impact of new ways of capitalization (reserve fund creation) in Portugal ; and to analyse the longevity perception effect on the accumulation of wealth by the Portuguese households. The paper whill focus on the statistic analysis of different capitalization forms (reserve funds) that can be introduced, the economic and financial impact of capitalization of pensions and the longevity effects over household saving.

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