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Author(s): “prouteau-l”.

4 articles found, sorted by descending year.

  1. Prouteau L.Le bénévolat en Europe. Effets individuels et effets pays. XXXIth conference held at Paris in 2011.

  2. Prouteau L. and F-C. Wolff. – Vieillissement et participation associative. XXVth conference held at Paris in 2005.

  3. Girard D., L. Prouteau, and F-C. Wolff. – Introduction. XXIVth conference held at Nantes in 2004.

  4. Prouteau L. and F-C. Wolff. – Les motivations des bénévoles. Quel pouvoir explicatif des modèles économiques ? XXIVth conference held at Nantes in 2004.
